Introducing animation

44 cats cartoon is an Italian animated children's television series created by Iginio Straffi. The main characters are 4 cats that are named Lampo, Milady, Meatball, Pilou. These cats are in a group named buffycats that have changed one garage into a club for entertainment and cooperating with their neighbor cats. Interestingly, they get their special power from a kind of pasta to protect other cats. Moreover, they help dear mom Pina to stand against her neighbors who are plotting against her. Also, they create a happy atmosphere with their musical instruments to entertain their audience.

This animation is interesting for not only children, but also adults, because its stories and jokes are created in a way that all members of the family can enjoy watching it. This series became of the most popular and famous children's tv show in all around the world.

The topics of this animation are mostly about friends and acceptance, others and also standing against bullying. They are a funny and friendly group that consider themselves obligated to others who need them, even a puppy that is lost and needs help to go to its house, or their favorite person who has been harassed by another neighbor.


Animation History

The series was made at Rainbow Studio, one of the Viacom's subsidiaries, and aired for the first time on November 12, 2018 on the Ray YoYo network in Italy. In May 2018, it was announced that the program will be broadcast on various international networks outside Italy, and the last episode of season two was released on 18th February, 2023.

Sources of inspiration for this animation

This series is inspired from a song called Quarantaquattro Gatti that was aired in Zecchino d'Ore competiion in 1968.

The music has been produced by a 44-year-old music teacher, Juzpe Kasarini, inspired by Roman cats and cat ladies on a family visiting and completed the song in two weeks.

From the perspective of global users

This collection has achieved a score of 6.0 on the IMDB site.

Some buffycats characters are based on famous video games characters. For example, we examine Sonic. Lampo, that has one of the main characters of the buffycats, has behavior and clothes that you can compare with Sonic and find out the similarities.

Another feature that we can mention is this animation has the ability to calm children and make them laugh.

One of the positive points of this program is to hear different types of fun songs during the animation, and anyone can sing them with their children to change the program into a big and entertainment party.


Another user about cat abilities said: it's interesting that Milady can find out a lie that is a funny way because it can find out by its creep become pink. the Lampo's mustache is like a tracker who shows where the person or a cat is or the bright and cute eyes of Pilo, which is a great trick to distract others.


The viewers have also welcomed the presence of Isota in the second season because they believe that his presence as a human character who understands cats and realizes their words has made this animation show more enjoyable.


Introducing characters

Lampo: It is from a noble family and a singer and guitarist of the buffycats Group.He has two unique features: its mustaches that are like trackers and the lightning of the blue on its right eye.

Milady: The bassist in the band whose furry will become pink only when someone is lying

Pilo: The drummer of the group who using its big eyes to distract the show.

Meatball: The keyboard player' in a band that can feel the danger and also has a lot of appetite.

Granny John Pina: The owner of the old house which the group lives in and is a skilled chef in pasta baking

Winston: The owner of a cat named Boss and the neighbor of granny Pina and of course wealthy who hates buffycats because they always thwart the plans

Isota: The grandson of Granny Pina and, of course, the only human who understands cat's language and mainly helps them (this character is in Season Two)

Igor: The strongest member of the group who is mostly lifting weight or exercising.


The target audience

This serial animation is more suitable for the range of 5 years old or more. 44 cats cartoon that transmit positive values​ to children. By using creative stories and lovely characters, the program helps children to better understand concepts such as friendship, empathy, and teamwork.


Other features

One part of the site of this company is dedicated to posters, stickers and training songs, including washing hands, which parents can print and put them in different parts of the house, and each part of this collection contains a message and a topic that will help your children learn new things. With the combination of art and entertainment, this program has had a huge impact on the new generation.


Learning English with forty-four cats

Your children in the range of 5 years old or more, can easily and very smooth learn English with the music of this band and their adventures, and this is because their dialogues are very easy and suitable for this range of age.

Download the 44 Cats cartoon from the Happy Ant bilingual child raising website

So far 2 seasons of 44 Cats cartoon and a total of 44 episodes are available on the Happy Ant website. The duration of each episode is 12 minutes. The variety of characters is also high throughout the series. The Happy Ant website has provided attractive parts of this popular and informative cartoon for you and your beloved children in separate seasons and invites you to click on the link to download the 44 Cats cartoon.