What are the methods of learning a second language?
There are three known methods for teaching and learning English:
1. Grammatical translation method
The method, often referred to as the traditional method, is derived from the classical approach of ancient Latin and Greek education. This method puts a lot of emphasis on grammar. Lessons are held in the students' mother tongue. This method includes extensive translation from mother tongue to English.
In the direct method, it has been highly regarded among language teachers for years. In the direct method, visual aids and educational aids are widely used. In this method, they simulate the way of learning the mother tongue. Therefore, under no circumstances should you speak in your mother tongue while learning English. Happy Ant suggest you to read The effect of age on second language learning article.
3. Bilingual method
focus here is on the third method, the bilingual method. This method by C.J.
Dodson developed in the 1960s and 1970s. Dodson decided to improve the
audiovisual method. The bilingual method uses three traditional stages: presentation,
practice, production, which are the three main stages of every language lesson.
First, you present the content. Then you all practice together and students are
expected to speak with their new knowledge. Bilingual methods are distinct from
the translation-grammar method because they emphasize conversation and
Bilingual method to teach English
Bilingual education is based on the principles of similarities and differences between two languages. If the student understands these differences, learning English becomes significantly easier.
When the child is learning his mother tongue, he learns the second language easily and correctly by being in the environment.
Advantages of the bilingual method by the teacher
1. The teacher is able to teach English to the
full satisfaction of the students.
2. Students can understand English well.
3. The correct use of the mother tongue by the
teacher and creating the environment and conditions for speaking in English,
which helps to teach English better.
4. The bilingual method helps to properly teach
various skills including listening, speaking, reading and writing.
5. Using mother tongue saves time and facilitates learning. Complicated things can be easily explained in native language.
Disadvantages of the bilingual method
1. Using this method, the teacher teaches it by
speaking in English and sometimes uses the mother tongue, which diverts the
students' attention.
2. Using the mother tongue while teaching English
may destroy the continuity and fluency of the language.
3. There is a possibility that few students in
the class pay more attention to the mother tongue and less attention to English
sounds. As a result, their pronunciation may not be correct.
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