Blackboard game

This is one of the English language teaching games for children and is used to learn English words better. This game helps you to know the learning rate of the learner. One of the advantages of this game is to improve vocabulary and grammar. This game is suitable for all age groups.

How to play the game

The number of players in this game should be at least six. For this game, divide the students into two groups. If the number is too many, you can divide into three or four groups. You write a topic on the board for the students and they have to say the vocabulary related to it. Each team gets one point for each answer.


The game of truth and lies

One of the English language learning games is the truth and lie game. This game is very fun and helps to improve students' speaking skills.

How to play the game

In this game, you write three things about yourself, two of them are lies and one is the truth. Then let the learners ask you questions about it and guess which one is true. This game is suitable for all age groups.


Play on words

This game is one of the best games to create a sense of competition and team work in language learners. This game strengthens the students' reading, writing and grammar skills.

How to play the game

Write some sentences in different colors. Then divide each of them into several parts. Give each group of learners one of the jumbled sentences to put them together correctly to complete the sentence. If they can guess the correct sentence, they get points. This game is suitable for teaching all age groups.


Word arrangement game

This is one of the English language learning games for children. The duration of this game is short. You can use this game to start teaching and prepare them to learn, and it increases the concentration of language learners.

How to play the game

Think of a word and write its letters scattered on the board and leave a space between them. Then ask the students to guess the correct word. Write down the wrong words in the corner of the board. Continue this until they can guess the correct word.


Painting game

The drawing game is another English language learning game suitable for all age groups. In addition to learning English in children, this game also helps to develop their creativity. This game is very fun and interesting. And it is very effective for strengthening children's vocabulary.

How to play the game

Choose a large number of words and write each one on a piece of paper. Then put them in a container or bag. Ask the students to divide into two groups. Assign half of the board to one group and the other half to the other group. Then ask one of the people in a group to take one of the papers and draw a picture related to that word. The other group must guess what that word is. Continue playing with other people in groups in the same way. The group that guesses more words wins.



There are many games in the direction of teaching English, it is better for you to use these methods to benefit from their amazing effect for learning the language. We recommend you to study this article: The Effect of the Game for Learning English