Bubble Guppies" is an attractive cartoon produced by Nickelodeon that can be" broadcasted for children over two years old. The setting of this cartoon is an underwater world where a group of colorful fish with unique characters live. Each episode of this cartoon has a storyline that indirectly covers topics such as colors, alphabet, numbers, animals, seasons and weather, jobs, social skills, etc. One of the outstanding features of this cartoon is the happy songs that are related to the topic of that episode in each episode, which has made learning English easier. This cartoon is specifically designed to improved children's English and, along with simple and clear conversations, targeted repetitions, and emphasis on key words and phrases, has facilitated the process of raising a bilingual child. The "Bubble Guppies" cartoon is very suitable for those parents who intend to raise a bilingual child or generally improve their child's English.
Product features | |
Language | English |
Age | Up to 2 |
Main Theme | TV Series |
Cartoon Type | Animation |
Episodes | 20 |
Product type | Downloadable |
Size | 1.24 GB |
Quality | 720p |
Format | MP4 |
Subtitle | No |
Company | Jam Filled Entertainment/ Nelvana/ Nick Jr Productions |
IMDb Rank | 6.2 |